

Central Varicose Vein Clinic

All surgeries are performed safely using semi-sedation and local anesthesia.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

Are your legs okay? Varicose veins are often thought of as a disease in which the blood vessels of the legs protrude and protrude.
However, caution is needed as there are many ‘latent varicose veins’ that are invisible to the eye because the blood vessels do not protrude.

Even if the blood vessels are not visible or protruding,
they are varicose veins..

  • Edema

    Even if you just walk or stand for a little bit, your legs will swell easily. Even if it's okay in the morning, your legs will swell severely in the afternoon.

  • Numbness

    The legs suddenly become numb when lying down for sleep at night, or when sleeping. There is also unknown numbness even in everyday life.

  • Cramp

    There are cramps on the legs such as the calves during the sleep, and frequent cramps on the legs even in everyday life.

  • Leg/Plantar Pain

    There is unknown pain on the legs such as the calves and thighs, and continuous pain from the cramps. Also, there is continuous pain on the plantar even though it is not plantar fasciitis.

  • Heavy Legs/Fatigue

    The legs easily get heavy even when moving slightly more than usual, and there is a chronic fatigue on the legs.

  • Spasm

    There are frequent spasms on the legs with the feeling of the muscles shaking on the calves and thighs.

  • Itchiness

    Legs are itchy continuously for unknown reasons.

  • Hot/Cold Hand/Feet Syndrome

    There is a hot feeling on the legs such as on the calves. There is a pain and cold feeling on the legs even in the summer, as if there is a problem on blood circulation on the legs.

Various symptoms of varicose veins

  • "The legs feel numb, as if having a cramp“
  • "There is pain and coldness on the feet"
  • "It feels as if a bug is climbing up my leg"
  • "There are cramps on the legs, and feel heavy"
  • "Veins are uneven and protruding"
  • "Legs get swollen easily"
  • "There is a pain on the sole of the feet" "Legs get hot"
  • Many people suffering from these symptoms

    have already received treatment at Central Thoracic Surgery and improved their quality of life.

    Actual handwritten review
  • When there is the backflow of venous blood

    veins get thicker, uneven, and look as if the veins are protruding on the skin. However, there are many cases of ‘latent varicose vein’, in which there are no visible symptoms, but with serious symptoms of edema, numbness and pain.

    Go to Latent Varicose Veins

Cause of varicose veins

Varicose veins can occur through various causes including

  • heredity
  • female hormone
  • occupation of standing or sitting for long period of time
  • habit of sitting with the legs crossed
  • wearing skinny jeans or corset
  • obesity
  • constipation
  • pregnancy
  • trauma and aging of the veins (Age 40 or more).

Also, it can occur from unknown causes.

Primary Varicose Vein

Varicose vein may occur from one cause, but in most cases, it can occur through multiple causes.
Among them, primary varicose vein is one of the frequent varicose veins.

  • Gender

    Female hormones are the causes of extending the vein walls and valves, so the occurrence rate is higher in women than in men. (Female 60%, Male 40%)

  • Pregnancy

    Veins are expanded during pregnancy due to a change in hormones and an increase in blood amount within the body, and the expanded uterus will put pressure on the veins. Most of the symptoms are improved within 3 months from childbirth, but there are many cases where the symptoms do not improve.

  • Heredity

    The occurrence rate is high on those with genetic factors of congenital abnormality of the valves, or vulnerability on the vein walls.

  • Administration of Contraceptive Pills and Hormone Drugs

    Female hormones can extend the vein walls and valves, and varicose vein can occur from taking contraceptive pills for long period of time.

  • Obesity

    Increased abdominal pressure increases the incidence of varicose veins.

  • Age

    Vein valves are aged as we age to also enhance the occurrence rate of varicose vein.

  • Lack of exercise

    It occurs because the calf muscles, which are weakened due to lack of exercise, cannot function as a second heart, and the power to pump venous blood from the ankles to the heart is weakened.

  • Credit

    Since varicose veins may occur due to trauma, it is important to obtain an accurate medical history.

  • Job

    Jobs that require standing for long periods of time, handling heavy loads, or squatting can increase the pressure in the leg veins and cause varicose veins.

  • Costume

    Wearing girdles, excessively compressive corsets, skinny jeans, or stockings can also worsen varicose veins.

  • Unknown Cases

    There can be varicose vein from unknown causes.

Secondary Varicose Veins


Abnormal Deep Vein

Deep vein thrombosis is a disease where thrombus (blood clot) is occurred on the deep vein to block the vein, and it is a serious disease that can cause serious complication if not treated immediately.

The deep veins of the legs account for approximately 95% of the total leg venous function, so if these veins become blocked, venous circulation must be diverted through an alternative route.
Therefore, a lot of venous blood flows into the superficial veins, causing them to expand and cause varicose veins. Since deep vein occlusion is the primary cause of varicose veins, they are called secondary varicose veins.

At this time, if you perform varicose vein surgery, you may be in a very dangerous situation because the only venous circulation passage in the leg will be blocked.
Therefore, in the case of secondary varicose veins, the decision to have surgery must be very careful. The diagnosis of deep vein occlusion can be made through ultrasound, and diagnosis by an experienced thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon is important.

What if varicose veins get worse?

If left for a long period of time, complications such as skin discoloration, leg ulcers, and dermatitis may occur.

  • Skin Inflammation
  • Ulcer (Groove on the Skin)
  • Edema (Leg Swelling)

Varicose veins are a progressive
disease that continues to worsen

Like common diseases or wounds, natural healing is impossible,
so if left untreated, the condition may worsen and even cause complications.

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