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Latent Varicose Veins

Do you still think that varicose veins are only if they bulge out?
Only you know the pain you cannot see.

Take care of your bride’s health before marriage through Latent Varicose Veins examination

Varicose Veins that can be ignored carelessly;
vascular sonography is required before marriage.

For women planning for marriage, we recommend pre-marriage vascular sonography for varicose veins examination. Varicose vein is well known as a disease frequently occurred in middle-aged women over 40’s, but due to the change in lifestyle, the occurrence rate is increasing rapidly among the young generation.

The reason that pre-marriage varicose vein examination is important is because when varicose vein is occurred during the pregnancy period, surgery for treatment is not possible during this period, and thus the pregnant woman must endure the symptoms of the varicose vein. Also during the pregnancy period, the blood volume inside the body is increased, blood vessels expand, and the enlarged uterus compresses the vein to worsen the symptoms of the varicose vein, which can have especially bad effect to the health of the mother.

Therefore, women planning for marriage should not neglect various symptoms that can be suspicious of varicose vein such as numbness on the lower extremities, edema, cramp, fatigue, etc., and receive the examination for the occurrence of varicose veins through vascular sonography.

Latent Varicose Vein
that is not possible to be diagnosed visually

It is easy to think of varicose veins as a disease in which blood vessels protrude from the surface of the skin, but in reality, most varicose veins develop in the form of latent varicose veins that cannot be diagnosed with the naked eye. For this reason, many brides-to-be become pregnant after marriage without treating latent varicose veins, and suffer from numbness, swelling, cramps, cold hands and feet, hot flashes, and leg fatigue while waiting for childbirth.

Varicose veins occur when the valves that prevent backflow of blood inside the veins are damaged.A symptom of blood vessels protruding from the surface of the skin is also caused by blood flowing back and compressing the veins, causing them to swell. When these swollen veins press and irritate the surrounding nerves or muscles, various symptoms such as numbness in the legs and swelling appear. In other words, protruding blood vessels is only one of the many symptoms of varicose veins, so if the legs that appear normal on the outside have the symptoms below, you can suspect latent varicose veins.

Symptoms that may indicate
latent varicose veins

  • Normally, the legs are numb and swollen occasionally or frequently.
  • There are cramps on the legs.
  • There is cold hands & feet syndrome or heat on the legs.
  • There is unknown pain.
  • Compared to the past, legs feel heavy and get tired easily.

Central’s unique product
without DVT (deep vein thrombosis)
side effects treatment know-how

Latent varicose vein treatment by Central Varicose Vein Clinic is possible for returning to the everyday life on the same day from examination to treatment, and if required, injection sclerotherapy may be used in combination.

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